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First Pillar

Ultimately, we all seek the feeling of connection and inner joy. The things we buy, the activities we engage in, the relationships we cultivate, or the profession we pursue all seem to be a means to this primary goal. Nothing about these things is wrong. It's only when we believe that these things will make us happy that we fall into a misconception.


Leading a happy and fulfilled life isn't difficult. It's not a goal that you can only achieve through tears and sweat in the distant future. Being happy is your natural state, and it is experiential here and now!

Specifically, exclusively in the present moment. Past and future exist only in your thoughts. They are concepts. What you call the past was the present at the time you experienced it. And what you now consider as the future will also be the present when you experience it. There is only the eternal now; all other moments exist only in your thoughts.

Projecting your happiness into the future never leads to the desired fulfillment. It ties happiness to a moment that will never arrive. One spends their entire life waiting to finally become happy, without realizing that this waiting is what makes them unhappy in the first place.


Therefore, it is your own beliefs and your own unconsciousness that make you unhappy. The first pillar of my coaching approach always consists of mindfulness and self-reflection. Only when you become aware of how certain mechanisms function can you make the right decisions in your life and rediscover the joy of your natural state.

Second Pillar

In the second pillar, we dive into your unconscious processes. The subconscious mind plays a fascinating and intricate role in shaping our reality. It influences how we perceive the world around us, how we respond to events, and the decisions we make. It's no wonder that advertising psychologists explore the unconscious meanings of colors, music, and images to manipulate customer decisions without their awareness.


However, the impact of the subconscious in your daily life goes beyond product choices. Neuroscientific findings suggest that up to 95% of overall thought processes occur unconsciously. This encompasses your beliefs, social conditioning, behavior patterns, defense mechanisms, and much more.


Together, these elements form a kind of filter through which you perceive the world.


The majority of this filter was developed during your childhood. In the first seven years of life, children operate at a brain frequency resembling a hypnotic state. During this time, crucial programs are installed, considered essential for navigating life on this planet.

These hidden beliefs, emotional blockages, and behaviors have contributed to your current position in life. If you want to make sustainable changes in your external life, your subconscious must also be reprogrammed.


In my coaching, I employ a method that allows us to communicate directly with your subconscious, facilitating profound and transformative changes.

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